This page contains links to sites relevant to the community - some commercial. I have no relation with any site linked on this page - these links are provided for general interest.

Surf shops
SF Surf the only shop in town run by shapers. The only place in town to get a custom.
Norcal Surf shop. The finest shop in Pacifica
Aqua Surf shop Across from the zoo, Aleks and Devon have boards, skates, wetties, and style.
WISE Surfboards
maverickssurf, Jeff Clark's surf shop.
Alex Martins Ding Repair 699-2380
Hess Wood boards

Peopls's sites, with blogs and eye candy
RefractionVentures A meta-site aggregating lots of relevant info (long loading time) Local online surf vids. OB, Pacifica, Mavs, SC, G's website. Very good local amateur photog galleries
More Local Surf Pics from Chuck Lantz.
Matt Moore's page - local surfer.
E's surf report, an OB surf blog and BBS
Worldwide kneeboarders unite! (maintained by an OB local)
Paul Ferraris, a local photog with nice shots
Golden-coast surf pages. More NorCal surf stuff
Pedro Point surf club
Local music from a local surfer, Tim Bluhm

Local commercial sites
Wavefest Surf movies from a coupla locals
The Red Vic. The Red Vic often shows surf flics
Surfpulse - a NorCal surf site.
Pacific Waverider
Stormsurf forecasting.
Surf School - Surf Camp Pacifica
Mavfilm - guys that do movies
Mavsurfer - site of a photographer/videographer

Advocacy sites
Mark Massara, an OB local, and his Sierra Club Coastwatchers.
Will Henry's gig, Save The Waves An advocacy group to save surf breaks from construction worldwide.

News articles
A surfer drowns at Ocean Beach. Swell 4.5 ft 11 seconds
Here is the article that AP picked up on the drowning
According to a Park Ranger, the surfer was found with a contusion on his head. Waves were no more than head high at the time. The most probable scenario is that he hit his head on his board and was knocked cold and drowned. The surfer was not anywhere close to the posts at Sloat that used to hold drainage pipes. He was well south of there, between first and second lot.